Islam is the religion which Allah has chosen, is pleased with and has legislated for His slaves. People are in dire need of its laws to organize the affairs of their private and public lives, their internal and external affairs. Besides the great importance paid in Islam to general principles and fundamentals, it has not neglected secondary issues.
Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha
Publisher: - Islam Land Website
In the religion of Islam after declaring the shahadah, the second most important pillar is the Salaah (prayer). Whenever the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to pray, He used to raise both his hands up to his ears or shoulders during the first takbeer, before ruku’ and after ruku, as is proven from the Mutawaatir ahadith. In common language, it is called “Rafa Yadain”.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari - Abu Taher Zubair Ali Zeei
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Jesus in Islam: How did the Quran Narrated the stories of the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad, and the Quran had explained in detail the story of Jesus peace up on him.
Author: Ahmed Deedat
A brief book which describes the definition of a summary statement of the Islamic religion and inclusiveness of all aspects of life and the doctrine of monotheism, and of God, the Holy Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Islamic Library
The Choice - Islam and Christianity: Two Volumes, By Ahmed Deedat, An excellent book discussing Islam and Christianity in the light of Holy Quran and the Sunnah.
Author: Ahmed Deedat
This is the first English translation of the book Sharh Hadeeth Maa Dhi'baan Jaai'aan… written by the great scholar Ibn Rafab al-Hanbalee (d.795H) in explanation of the prophet. An excellent book , warning us about the dangers of expending our energies in chasing after the transitory things of this world at the expense of the rewards of the Hereafter.
Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali